Sara wrote:
>>>>Try minus 27 for size, and it's dropping as I write. And that's
without wind chill. I just went out to post a letter, and wore FOUR
fleeces, one with goose down stuffing, plus a jacket over the top,
also with goose down. I looked like a walking duvet. Plus heavy
boots, woolen hat, gloves with fingers AND mittens over the top of
them. Takes about 15 minutes to get dressed. No wonder all
Canadians are living in the USA.>>>
Sarah, it is much warmer here oh and so is the weather ;-)...  That said, now  500 
miles south of where I used to live , it's only -8 this morning but it feels so much 
colder .. not sure why that is. any theories out there in winterland? 
when I lived in Winterpeg for two years....the cold there was like nothing I had ever 
felt before. And dont believe anyone who says it's not as bad because it is a "dry"'s COLD! With the windchill was common to find the temps crashing 
down around -50 to -60 for days and days on end. 
I remember being housebound for a whole week with my daughter when she was a wee babe 
and finally couldnt take it any more. I bundled up, put her in her snuggly and tucked 
her inside my coat and went out for a walk around the block just to get some fresh 
air. I got some strange looks but I didnt care! 
what amazes me there was the weather network.... they would flash a bright red screen 
with warnings that your skin would freeze if you went outside for less than a minute. 
nice , eh? 
editor's note: i never say 'eh' 
canuckian alien shiksa Magsula. 

You open my heart, you do. 
Yes you do.
     - JM
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