--- kasey simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I think
'twit' is being kind.  Have you noticed not
> only do they talk that way, but they do it loudly
> so everyone in a five block area knows they are
> stupid.
> Kasey
> I knew someone who talked like that, and she wasn't
> from Ohio. If I were kind, I'd say it was a speech
> impediment. But I'm not, and she was just a twit.

I was going to say idiot, moron, complete imbecile and
so on, but I was afraid Ohioanians might think I was
talking about them. This woman was, and remains, one
of the dumbest people I've ever met. One of those
people who's scarily dumb, because she has no idea how
stupid she is. In addition to being dumb, she also
tries to act superior, so she tries to condescend as
well - it's pretty hard to look down on someone when
you're standing in the sub-basement of intelligence,
but nonetheless... Do NOT get me started!


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