> Actually, saying it's an "Eastern Ohio" pronunciation is a euphamism
> for saying it's Appalachian-hill-jack-ignorant.  Ooops.

Jim, please distinguish between "Eastern Ohio," which is technically 
half of the state, and "way Eastern Ohio," which straddles the PA and 
WV state lines.  THAT's where the Appalachian-hill-jack-ignorant folks 
live, and REALLY, almost all of them are living damn near in West 

I grew up in the northeastern quarter of Ohio, and I sure as hell don't 
say "poo-sh" or "boo-sh."  Nor "ruff," although one of my cousins says 
it that way.  As for lilac, I pronounce it this way:  "LIE-lack."


NPIMH:  "Poo-sh, poo-sh, in the boo-sh."

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