From: "Lucy Hone" <luluHi Mike!!!


It is my understanding that the McGarrigle sisters are, in fact, US citizens
who stopped on a highway while touring to give a Texan millionaire's son a
ride to the Canadian border where he could safely avoid being drafted to
Vietnam to fight in the the war initiated by the evil President Bill
Clinton. The draft dodger, a certain GW Bush, was eternally grateful for the
ride but unfortunately let slip the true situation to the border guards and
the good sisters were then 'held' in the Guantanamo leisure centre until the
case against them could be heard. I believe they are still there. While
there they were befriended by a certain Dr L. Wainwright III who secretly
married one of them, sources differ on which, later fathering the famous
singer Rufus Thomas; most famous it should be said for teaming up with the
Rev. Vicente Lavieri to make the best-selling aerobic video 'Do the Funky
Gerbil' which won that year's Disco Bishop award. At least that's the way I
heard it. Ah, good morning doctor.

You make me laugh you do.... How is your padded cell? The view from mine is
calico and wadding......

I view this list as a sort of virtual pub. We all hang around in our
separate silences until someone perks up a topic and then we all shout to be
heard....Some are heard more loudly than others... some have axes to grind,
some have trees to chop,(shall we talk about co-dependent relationships
Lucy? how would you feel about that)..... we speak a similar language but
fail to understand the nuances leading to meandering threads of conversation
and outbursts of rage and indignation.......

But I am enjoying the laughter ... All around the globe we are sitting at
keyboards .. "Tap tap tap tappity tap"...... then we ROAR WITH LAUGHTER or
RAGE (or is it ONLY me?) then go on with the "tap tap tappity tap" again and
any one observing this silence and laughter (as they do on my ward!!) will
have me signed up for more largactil.....Mind you I am at elast level headed
as I drool from both sides of my mouth!!!

Oh someone was asking about expressions of it is "Cold enough to
freexe the balls off a brass monkey"  And the reason for this expression

A brass monkey was a tripod device for holding cannon balls on the decks of
old warships... When the temperature got low enough the Monkey would
contract and the balls would fall off it.... there now you know....

NP Neil Young After the Gold Rush

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