Patrick wrote to me....

a virtual pub.  great idea.  when i first joined this list almost six years
> ago, an early lister julie z. webb and i used to talk about this strange
> shape for a community.  people have been connecting this way for a while
> now, but the novelty of it still amuses me, and the possible depth of it
> often amazes me.  thanks for reminding me.
> now about that lesbian flirting... eww....
> patrick, a secret lesbian

My reply

Thanks for you mail and for letting me feel I am not totally alone in the
way I think..To comment on your last few lines..... I am not a secret
lesbian or even a lesbian at all...... I am hetero and thinking of going to
some sort of "Hetero Pride" to encourage me to express my sexuality with out
feeling ashamed !!!!!  I feel I am part of a minority on the list.... does
that entitle me to government funding, can I maybe get a grant to study the
effect of conforming to society's narrow viewpoint? Ooh how much to ask for much is that worth? Hmmmmm (thinks with fingers wriggling in a
miserly sort of way)

Can I get anger management for my longing to hit people who are judgemental,
who would not dream of walking a mile in anyone else's shoes in case they
got a verucca or worse still, the shoes were unfashionable?  What I like
about the list though is the amazing cross section of everyone and all
brought together because of a liking/loving/passionate feeling for Joni's

I have never had so many wonderful mails from unknown people and every day
and there is always something to spark my brain into life.... I am a
fundraiser for a large children's charity and so work from home when not
press ganging students into wringing money from their parents....It can be
isolating so you make my day that much brighter and I don't feel so
lonely......... I have a horrible cold by the way and am going to bed
clutching a glass of whisky with hot lemon and honey.....anyone got any
other cold remedies?


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