> what do you do first thing upon waking?

 1.  turn on the bedroom tv to "The Today Show, with Katie Couric and
     Matt Lauer" for Mary, who is already in the shower
 2.  pee
 3.  make coffee and some sort of breakfast for Mary; these activities
     are usually interrupted by #4
 4.  feed the demanding cats
 5.  grab yogurt, a banana, and whatever else looks good for Mary's
 6.  round up Mary's cell phone, PDA, keys and Dr. Phil books
 7.  put the things listed in #5 and #6 in or next to Mary's briefcase
     (does anyone sense a pattern here?)
 8.  drink a cup of coffee - I would have a dyke instead of a fag, but
     the one I live with would have already left for work
 9.  turn off the bedroom tv
10.  turn on the livingroom tv
11.  watch something on the Free Speech network, usually "Dyke TV"
12.  shower and dress for work
13.  if time before work, turn on pc and catch up on email

> 1. turn on pc
> 2. pee
> 3. let dogs out
> 4. make coffee
> 5. feed  dogs
> 6 drink coffee and have a fag and read /answer email

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