> I wanted to encourage people to take advantage of the suggestion that Les 
> made regarding using the JMDL as a political/religious discussion list and 
> sign up for the list on yahoo that he set up. I use yahoo for several OTHER 
> discussion lists including the new Lee Shore list (CSNY CPR ETC.)  are there
> and it is very neat and easy to use. I think when the list owner is forced to
> make this type of request it is for a very good reason. Just a friendly 
> reminder (no flames necessary!)

A big here here from me!

As much as I appreciate the right of listers to post what they wish as long as 
it is labelled NJC, lately, both the amount, and content of them, is far too 
distant from the original purpose of the list- ie- the life and times of Joni 

Thanks for the suggestion Les and Paz!


Stephen not in Vancouver

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