> 1a) When did first admit to yourself or realise that you were
> something other than straight?

I became seriously concerned when I was about 12 years old and found 
myself in a kind of trance, heading toward kissing a photo Kate Jackson 
(circa her "Dark Shadows" period) that I had cut out of "16" magazine.  
And at age 18, in the Air Force, I wrote worried passages in my 
journal.  (I came out at age 21 1/2.)
> 1b) When you look back before that time, when *should* you have
> realised, based on how you felt, or who you looked at, etc?

When I was 6 and was literally knocked on my ass on the playground by 
Gail Something-or-other, also 6, because I tried to kiss her (facial) 
cheek.  Somehow SHE knew and therefore told me that "girls aren't 
supposed to kiss other girls," but I had missed out on that information.

who later discovered how to be "cunnilinguistically" adventurous   ; P

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