1) If you identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual how old were you when
you "knew" you were attracted (emotionally, physically, or both) to the
same gender as yourself?

I knew at 14, came out at 17, should have known at 5.
My first 'crush' was Annett on the Mickey Mouse Club.
My second 'crush' was my third grade teacher, bleached
blond, red lipstick, and a Tenn. twang that sent me over
the edge.  Colin, you said homosexuality was normal, well
for us it is, but it isn't the norm.  I have no problem with
being different.  But I do agree it's funny that homosexuals
are so often questioned on their sexuality.  How many gays
have heard the expression, "You just haven't met the right
man/woman." or "Have you tried the other sex?" I always
reply the same can go for you.  It usually ends the conversation.
I guess on that continuum I am at the total lesbian end.  I'm
not a man hater, but the thought of sex with a man makes me
physically ill. No offence to the men.  I just can't handle the
thought of it, let alone do it.  Now this is going to sound strange
but I'm saying it any way.....I've always thought of a penis as
a weapon stabbing at it's prey, where as a women's' pluming
is open and accepting.  Weird I know, but it's that damn lesbian
mind set.
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