kakki wrote:

I'm just trying to show another valid reason why some people have a problem
with certain content. It's not neccesarily because they don't like the
content or just like to gripe.

As the office manager of the law office I work in, three things:

1. employees under my supervision should never, ever be receiving personal emails while on company time. I do not pay them to do their private emails. Office email accounts are for work use. As well, the only times employees should ever go on-line is for work related situations.
2. as office manager, no one ever reviews what I do on-line, thanks be to the powers that named me office manager! I am the network administrator so I just review myself, when I feel the need to, which is never.

3. with cable hook up on big ass Mac G4s, it is amazing how fast I can access my baseball sites and my home email!


NP: Real World, the hot tub scene of today's show, six people, three couples, straight sex, I knew MTV could do it!

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