Vince wrote:

>1. employees under my supervision should never, ever be receiving
> personal emails while on company time.  I do not pay them to do their
> private emails.  Office email accounts are for work use.  As well, the
> only times employees should ever go on-line is for work related
> situations.

I'm sure that is the policy of most employers.  But what if an employee is
subscribed to a personal interest list, and never spend company time writing
back, but maybe spend lunch or break time reading the posts?  The places
I've worked don't mind people reading on breaks and are mostly concerned
with the content of what is coming into and going out of the email account
because of the liability issues (written in stone on the back-up tapes and
can later emerge as an exhibit in a lawsuit).

> 2. as office manager, no one ever reviews what I do on-line, thanks be
> to the powers that named me office manager!  I am the network
> administrator so I just review myself, when I feel the need to, which is
> never.

That's you and that is great - but many employers are monitoring the email
on a regular, systematic basis.

> 3. with cable hook up on big ass Mac G4s, it is amazing how fast I can
> access my baseball sites and my home email!

LOL!   I'm guilty of some of this, too. But I've always been too paranoid to
subscribe to any list at work.  I'm even paranoid to post on some topics
from my home account because I've had some involvement in those issues in my

But my point is what about the people here who get the list from work?  You
can say that they shouldn't participate then, but that isn't really fair.
Not everyone is in such a freewheeling situation. So many may have their own
particular reasons to want to keep it so stringently Joni only.  Or maybe
they should join or start a moderated Joni list of their own?  Then some
would argue that is splitting people up again.  I must say that Les is the
most hands-off and liberal listowner I've experienced compared to other
lists I've been on.


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