colin wrote:

> I asked this before but no one knew. Maybe someone does now:
> Irag maybe has links with Al Queda. It is going to be attacked int he
> war againts terrorism.
> Saudi araboa is where Al whatsit are from, where they got their money,
> support and what not.
> why are not they being attacked?

'Cause they are not part of the Axis of Evil. Duh! Don't they
tell you anything over there?
You might also point out the atrocious acts that our good pals
in Turkey have commited against innocents. And didn't Pakistan
harbor the Talibahn?....( the Autobahn, only with
speeding camels....oh I'm on a roll today....)
Don't worry, colin, we will get around to bombing all these places
eventually, but you have to set priorities. Our curious president
George has assured us that this will be an ongoing project to rid the
world once and for all of evildoers and those who hate freedom
and anyone else who has a bad attitude.
Me, I'm hoarding toilet paper, so when our economy goes bust
from doing a "Russia" and having a ridiculously top-heavy
military, I won't have to wait in some line. In fact, I will get in
the bread line twice, then I can sell one. That's capitalism, Jack.

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