Colin, the difference is that the Saudi govt didn't knowingly finance al-Qaeda, and it's believed that Saddam Hussein did. In 1998, the Saudis were on the point of arresting Osama bin Laden. They were furious with him for his anti-American statements and attacks, and for his criticism of the Saudi ruling family. They persuaded the Afghanistan govt (the Taliban) to hand him over, and he was going to be tried for treason, the punishment for which is death. The Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar had agreed to this, on condition that Saudi Arabia set up a working party of Islamic scholars to agree on a justification for bin Laden's expulsion. In preparation, the Taliban replaced bin Laden's bodyguard with men loyal to the Taliban. Bin Laden was, to all intents and purposes, finished -- thanks to the Saudi government.

Then Bill Clinton sent over 79 cruise missiles to Afghanistan and Sudan, to destroy bin Laden's training camps, in response to the bombing of two American embassies in East Africa.

This made bin Laden a hero in the eyes of Islamic extremists, including the Taliban, and Mullah Omar refused to hand him over.

There's a good Wall Street Journal article about this. I don't have a link for it, but you might be able to find it if you're interested. It was by Alan Cullison, Andrew Higgins and Hugh Pope, and it was written around September 2002.


From: colin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I asked this before but no one knew. Maybe someone does now:

Irag maybe has links with Al Queda. It is going to be attacked int he
war againts terrorism.

Saudi araboa is where Al whatsit are from, where they got their money,
support and what not.

why are not they being attacked?

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