I don't know what works the best, but I have this lovely little memory of hosting a 
party in my tiny apartment my sophomore year in college. When we all had a good buzz 
going, I gathered a bunch of my girlfriends around my tape player and played The Last 
Time I Saw Richard.  They were all floored and asked me to play it again.  I was in 
heaven, watching them recognize the brilliance of the song.  In retrospect, we were 
probably all just high of our rockers, but it sure was nice!
In my senior year, I made a mixed tape for a guy I just started dating - I tried to 
pick out the songs I thought he'd like best...lots from C&S and Blue.  A year into our 
relationship he was singing along word for word to all the songs...if he did it to 
impress me, it worked. I married him.  (Okay, it took me 10 years to marry him, but I 
finally did).  
 Laurent Olszer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> From: "walterphil" 
> (thread #1)
> whenever i want to impress someone who isn't a joni fan
> i usually try cold blue steel and sweet fire
> followed by maybe, song for sharon
> usually gets at least a grudgingly positive reaction
> (jeeez how could they not?)
That's an interesting thread.
Back in the days when I was still trying to turn non-Joni fans on, I usually
played them first the song Blue to show the vocal performance.
Then I would try to show the variety of styles with tracks from Mingus (The
Wolf for instance)
and DJRD (this was at least 10 years ago)
I would never think of playing Song for Sharon nor Cold Blue Steel though.
But again I've never succeeded at this (that's why I gave up).
If anyone has had better luck, what songs do you find impress non-fans best?

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