Tamsin, it's really hard doing it as a vegetarian, because there's nothing to fill you up the way meat/fish does and which will also give you protein/low carb. Soya -- I can't remember what the carb content is like. I should add though that the point of the low carb diet is not that you should eat a lot of fat - that's the Dr. Atkins version, which I don't agree with. The point is to eat low carb as a priority, but also to reduce your fat intake - just don't replace it with high carb as some dietiticians still advise.

Would you consider eating fish?

The other thing to do - hard, but necessary - is get used to the feeling of hunger, and force yourself NOT to snack. You could try chewing gum and other tricks. But really the only way to beat these feelings is not to give into them at all for a few weeks, then they will go away. It's hard, but it works.

Also -- try drinking something, water preferably but anything will do, when you get these feelings. A lot of our feelings of hunger, of needing to snack, are actually thirst, but our bodies send out hungry feelings because many of us snackers have killed our thirst responses - but our brains know we will always respond to a hungry feeling, so when thirsty, that's what the brain sends out, knowing it will get some moisture with the food. Sad, or what?

Could you drink high protein shakes? You can get low carb high protein shakes from most gyms. The ones in supermarkets are not so good. If you find one that mixes well with water, rather than milk, that would give you your protein needs, and you could arrange to drink it mid-afternoon when your blood sugar starts to slide - although if you stop eating carbs, that will (should) stop happening.


At 5:18 PM +0000 01/31/2003, Tamsin Lucas wrote:
Does anyone have any recommendations on how to lose weight as a vegetarian? I was always very slim until I stopped smoking 2 years ago but now feel I'm a few pounds overweight since I am only 5'1". I have tried cutting down on sweet stuff but the long hours are a killer when they leave you craving a quick fix and veg just doesn't seem to do it!!


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