Tamsin, it's really hard doing it as a vegetarian, because there's nothing to fill you up the way meat/fish does and which will also give you protein/low carb. Soya -- I can't remember what the carb content is like. I should add though that the point of the low carb diet is not that you should eat a lot of fat - that's the Dr. Atkins version, which I don't agree with.
this is a common misconception about Atkins. He does NOT recommend a high fat. Not at all. What he does say, is that for the first TWO WEEKS, you eat as much of anything as you like, but no carbs. he knows, and so do those thta follow it, that as result your appetite decreases and you will automatically reduce your fat intake but not to a 'low' level, to a natural level, about 30%. Fat is NOT bad for you and more and more studies are showing this to be the case.
Aftr two weeks you gradually increase carbs to about 50 to 60 gms a day. Nutirionist say about 100gms a day is what is needed so it is hardly that low on Atkins.

Mind you, i don't call this a diet more a way to healthyiy and keep trim.

Myself, I eat chicken, with skin, oily fish, steak, pork and lamb. None of them are overly fatty but i don't remove any either. I eat more fish and chicken than anything esle. Oh and I eat eggs and some cheese and have either evap ilk or double cream in two cups of coffee a day. I also drink 3litres of water a day. Anyone should drink 2 luitres a day anyway, on top of other drinks.

By the wya, avoid like the plague, artifical sweeteners. Your body can't tell the difference and stillr eleases insuklin and it won't help your cravings to go awy.


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