Catherine wrote:
>I win in the end since my
>son and I both call her Smudge. Or Smoudini. Or
>Smooragoor. (Smudge led to Smudgie, led to Smudgrigar,
>as in budgie coming from budgrigar; Smudgrigar said in
>a slurred voice sounded like Smooragoor. Don't even

I like to change names around too.  My cat started life as Murphy, named
after the TV show, Murphy Brown - even though he was male.  That was only
the beginning of his gender identity crisis.  He later acquired the
nickname, Myrtle which was even more traumatic for him. Now he's either
Murphy, Myrtie, Myrtle Turtle or just Turtle.

And, after developing the swinging belly that most house cats get, he became
Myrtle Moo. :>)   It's a rough life.


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