Catherine, I had this a year or so ago. You don't say if you're on a Mac or Windows. If Windows, it's very hard to get rid of it. You can try "find" and search for any file created or modified on the date in question, if you know the date. But even that doesn't always turn them up, because yes, they do get buried deep within the system, and the problem with leaving them there, is that they can "attract" others to download themselves at a later date. I use the word "attract" here because I don't know the correct word.

Anyway, how I solved it in the end was I downloaded software called Ad-Aware, which was either freeware or a free trial, I can't remember which. It searches for certain advertising companies that download this kind of stuff, with their ads attached, and it deletes anything from these companies. It won't necessarily work for you, but it was the only thing that worked for me, which included paying a Windows specialist to come in, and after charging me 200 dollars Cdn, the stuff was still there. Ad Aware found 186 programs connected to these advertisers, and deleted them all, and some or all of these must have been the porn, because it stopped happening after that. (I'd be innocently typing and suddenly an enormous pair of breasts would appear on the screen. . .somewhat offputting, and I kept thinking: this is going to happen one day while my mum's visiting. . .)

You can download Ad Aware from

Hope it helps. If not, I can look up other stuff for you, as I remember roughly where to look. But more drastic ways of dealing with it involve going into your system, and that risks messing other things up.


At 10:46 PM -0500 01/31/2003, Catherine McKay wrote:
My 12-yr-old son (bless his pointed little head) was
surfing the web and got to some porn sites.It must be buried so deep somewhere.

Even by doing
a search on any files that contain any or all of the
words "free" "porn" galleries", I still can't find it.

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