I wrote

<<people who are merely competent are hailed as the new Dylan (sorry, but 
David Gray?  I just don't get it!)  >>

And Bob replied

<< I think David Gray is really just Ryan Adams recording under a different 
name! :~)  >>

I first saw David Gray about 10 years ago, supporting Tori Amos, and thought 
he was OK then, nothing to write home about - and he could easily have been a 
one-man Waterboys tribute band, so completely did he ape Mike Scott's vocal 
mannerisms.  He's an honest journeyman who got lucky after years of slogging 
around the circuit - and I really rejoice in that, despite the fact that I'm 
not a fan and don't think he's actually a particularly gifted songwriter.  
His seems to have been a genuinely organic rise to prominence, which is 
pretty bloody rare nowadays, so more power to his elbow.

As to Ryan Adams, I'm not sure about him either - my Sacred Cow alert is 
triggered when I read some of the stuff written about him.  Some of his stuff 
sounds like sub-Springsteen bar-room fare - like Hootie and the Blowfish with 
cooler PA and an unfeasibly "arranged" looking dishevelled hairstyle.  
HOWEVER, I love a couple of his slower songs (can't remember the titles, was 
one of them Mission Bell?), so I probably need to give him a fairer/fuller 

As for Polly Jean, I can well understand your antipathy to Rid Of Me - it 
sounds horrible, for which a large part of the blame can be laid at the door 
of anti-producer Steve Albini, who seems a rather hateful figure to me 
(calling a band Rapeman, as he did, is neither big nor clever).  The songs 
aren't bad, and can be heard to better effect on the 4-track demos album.  

As you say, it's all a matter of personal opinion.  It's just that I'm right 
and you're wrong...


Azeem in London
NP: Polly again - This Mess We're In

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