Fred AGAIN  ---- if I get too tiresome, just tell me...
                How do you keep up with these postings and who said what????  
But!!!! already, anyone who bothers to look will see names of artists we 
share with many others, but also just how different we can be, some names 
that come up I have never heard of, or at least I know nothing of their work, 
I suppose some just are never able to cross the Atlantic and survive  ( I'll 
try and put together a list once the input stops)
               Since I started this nonsense I have other names that I could 
add, Clifford T Ward who sadly died last year of MS, his "Home Thoughts" was 
right up there in the poll for our favourite pop song, and I always liked 
Gordon Lightfoot, Paul Simon.  Just incase you feel I'm a hopeless romantic, 
I do like some heavier stuff, but not heavy metal.  Tell me when people talk 
of influences, the Beatles, Beach boys, Stones, there are all these names 
that get mentioned, but nobody seems to want to give "Creedence Clearwater" 
any credit, I have a double album and there is not a weak track, and the 
intro to "Up around the bend" makes my hair stand on end, or it would if I 
had any, and their version of "Heard it through the Grape vine" is a classic. 
 I enjoyed the Eagles come back, I would love to hear Creedence again.

Some brief replies, Mark, my Danish girlfriend was special, and we are still 
the best of friends, she worked for the Danish Royal family so the room full 
of candle light was in the "Sorrow Free Palace" in Copenhagen, and what was 
that about Joely Richardson and Liam Neeson, Joely is a lovely girl, and I'm 
about the same size as Liam, and probably as tall as well.  I'll get Joely to 
compare ! (I can dream can't I )
The BBC videos, you've seen them in the States, I asked the BBC to screen 
them again, maybe invite the Artists back, but nothing, why do I pay my 
license fee??

Catherine, what is it that stops women wanting to be refered to as female, 
you could tell how innocent my statement is, so why should it offend, I have 
come across this when some film gal took offence at being called an actress, 
and insisted on being refered to as an actor, I knew a male nurse who's 
occupation was a "Midwife" would he have got anywhere if he demanded that he 
should be called a "Midhusband" lol

What have I started, will it all end in tears??? 

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