--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > 
> Catherine, what is it that stops women wanting to be
> refered to as female, 
> you could tell how innocent my statement is, so why
> should it offend, I have 
> come across this when some film gal took offence at
> being called an actress, 
> and insisted on being refered to as an actor, I knew
> a male nurse who's 
> occupation was a "Midwife" would he have got
> anywhere if he demanded that he 
> should be called a "Midhusband" lol

Hey, it ain't me, Fred - Joni's constantly complaining
about being called the best *female* or *woman*
singer/ songwriter/ whatever. I think when it comes to
talent, a person's sex shouldn't make any difference.
I have a hard time with the actor/actress thing too -
I'm too used to saying actress when it's a woman.
Alhough men and women are both singers, not singers
and singesses. We're awfully inconsistent about that.

You're probably kidding about the midwife thing, but
it's hard to tell - the word comes from Old English
and has to do with the person being *with* (mid, sort
of like the German "mit") the "wife", which is the
woman giving birth. So a male midwife would still be a
midwife, strange though that sounds.


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