Yeah, I'll bet you have weapons of mass destruction in Canada, like those ugly General 
Motors cars you guys make in Ontario.  Sara, you're next!  You might think the USA 
would irrigate with Canadian water, but with our thirst for oil we might irrigate 
California with Canadian oil instead.  (All the better to lubricate the San Andreas 
fault, I say!)

Watch that border and remember: At one time Iraq was our trusted ally.  <gulp>
Lama  :)

Sara said,
Kasey, yes, we do have oil! And uranium too. Now that you mention 
it, there's been a lot of talk about how we let in the 9/11 
hijackers, and how our water is needed to irrigate Californian 
deserts, and about what a nuisance the Canadian border is. . . ;-)

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