----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 8:16 PM
Subject: Re: Queen of England NJC

> LOL, Lucy I love the accent - perfect!  But tell me, have you
> actually MET the royal family????  (or seen them?)
> I have three encounters: HUGE EDIT...

> That's it for me.  Have never seen the Queen and never saw Princess
> Di.  I did go to Kensington Palace on the day she died, which was an
> incredible experience.  > Sarah

Me and the royal family.... Met Prince Philip at Cowes Week at the Royal
Yacht Squadron (its a sailing club).... Very embarassing as I was desparate
for the loo and had gone through some roped off bit to find a one... Got
stopped from going any further by two policemen (plain clothes) who held me
back me until Phil had emerged from the loo. Phil stopped to ask what was
happening and so I explained and he said to the police men "oh she can use
that one, I have finished with it."... so I did (the  seat was warm!!!!
EEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW but no smells!!!) that was in 1970.. I was 13.

Princess Di I met at a party just a few weeks before she was known as being
anything to do with Charles. Her Brother had been in the same college at
Cambridge with the cousin of a friend and we had gone to a party in
Cambridge. She was there, as was her brother and she was such a quiet little
thing but a total man magnet.I have to say I only recognised her after she
got engaged) the party was some time in 1980 maybe early 81 it was a bit
hazy then but there were some wonderfully gorgeous men I remember that

I was really shocked that she died. 36 and snuffed out... just like
that...... have uneasy feelings about all of that whole business but we do
have to let it go as it will change nothing. You may have gathered I am not
a royalist but I did have some hope for the future of Wills being king with
her as his mother.....

OK, time for me to shut up for now...


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