February 8, 2003

... Breaking news: France and Germany, with the support of the Vatican, may
introduce a plan to triple the number of United Nations inspectors in Iraq,
and have those inspectors supported by UN troops inside Iraq. This plan,
developed without consulting the U.S. government, appears intended to avert
an offensive attack by the United States and United Kingdom against Iraq ...

Kate, the article later states:
"The magazine said the initiative could help Schroeder out of the
corner he seemed to have backed himself into over Iraq, risking
international isolation if he sticks to his anti-war stance but
political suicide at home if he changes course.
He could sell the proposal as a  last-ditch bid to avert war,
allowing him to swing behind any military action if Baghdad
failed to go along with the plan, it said."

I hope this works and war is adverted, but it reminds me
of an episode of Ellen I watched. Ellen walks up to an elevator
and presses the button. A man walks up after her and also
presses the button.  Other people come up one at a time
and each press the button.  Meanwhile Ellen is having a
conversation in her head about all the people thinking no one
else had pressed the button, and why would they keep pressing
the button.  Others have tried the inspections, including the US,
this is a way for him (Schroeder) to get on board and save face
in his country.  That said, what I'm hoping will happen is Saddam
will see this as his way out, allow the inspections, and say see the
US is a bully.  I'll take that if war can be avoided, the old
sticks and stone thing.
Kasey Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

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