Laurent wrote:

>If none of the "victims" ever complained, and many say they're happy with

Just my 2 cents on the subject:

Laurent, I'm one of the "victims" and I've never complained, and looking 
back, all in all I'm happy with my parents decision. I don't remember it 
happening, so I can't remember the pain. I would not associate this procedure 
with child abuse, but that's my opinion. I agree that it's unnecessary, and 
if I had a son, I wouldn't have him circumcised.

This is American mentality, but my parents didn't have this done to me for 
religious reasons. They had it done because it was the *normal* thing to do 
(for the baby boomer generation especially).  I'm happy it was done, cause I 
can still remember the psychological abuse that one or two boys received from 
other kids in 7th grade phys-ed class. 12 year old boys can be mean, and I 
think of how those 2 boys were terrorized just because they were *different*. 
 Perhaps it's not a good reason to be happy, but when you're 12 you want to 
"fit" in.  

I don't think this is the case now days.  Many of my friends have chosen not 
to have their sons circumcised, so hopefully the junior high locker room 
teasing has stopped.

Jimmy (who's doctor accidentally used pinking shears, so I have a frilly 
dilly :~) )

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