Laurent, a philosophical point first: Just because victims of a crime don't complain about it doesn't mean that no crime has been committed. Even if they're happy with the results, it doesn't mean there was no crime. Imagine that an evil surgeon kidnapped me, drugged me, and performed liposuction and breast enhancement on me. I might wake up delighted with the results, but that wouldn't mean he hadn't committed a crime by operating without my consent.

Secondly, just a few minutes on the internet will reveal many men who are unhappy this was done to them - some had it as babies, some as adults. They talk mainly about a lack of sensitivity. One man who had it done as an adult describes post-circumcision sex as "in monochrome, rather than technicolour". Others talk of marriages breaking up because of how long it takes them to have an orgasm. Some men try to "reconstruct" their foreskins - I believe by stretching them over time.

I have no idea what percentage of men wish it hadn't been done to them, but certainly high enough to warrant taking another look at doing it.

And I agree with Colin about the issue of consent and children. Children have so much done to them without their consent - seems to me we shouldn't add to that burden with (as I see it) unnecessary surgery. I'm not even happy with the idea of innoculations. I know all the arguments in favour of them, and they're good arguments, but even so. . . I only found out a few years ago that my polio vaccination was derived from a monkey virus (because of the time frame I was given it), and that this virus stays in your body for the rest of your life, and can cause a lot of problems. I wouldn't have given my consent for this to be done to me. But of course, I wasn't asked. But the people who made that decision for me (parents, doctor) aren't the ones walking around today with a monkey virus inside them.


At 10:21 AM -0800 02/10/2003, Randy Remote wrote:
Laurent Olszer wrote:

 My point is this: this so-called "crime" has been performed millions of
 If none of the "victims" ever complained, and many say they're happy with
 then perhaps the "crime" wasn't really one, wouldn't you say?

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