Cul, I agree with you, and you put it very well and succintly. This thread (circumcision, child abuse) raises the whole issue of children's rights, and whether there should be a bill of rights for children enshrined in law. I feel there should be, precisely because they are persons, but are often treated like property.

I also feel we should have a bill of rights for animals (even the most basic rights would improve life for so many of them), and a separate set of rights for prisoners, who are often badly abused in jail. The punishment for a crime should be the loss of liberty IMO, and not the thousand humiliations prisoners often suffer at the hands of prison staff and other inmates.


At 4:48 PM -0800 02/10/2003, cul heath wrote:
either you consider an infant a person or you don't. if you do not, then the infant is no more than property. if you do, then individual rights must be afforded an infant and he or she should not be subject to the whims of parental or cultural affectations . . .

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