Colin, there's an interesting article in Newsweek, I believe the Feb 17 edition, about how the U.S. intends to use electromagnetic bombs (E-bombs) on the first night of the war. These let out an electronic pulse that disables all electronic equipment. Cars will stop working, phone lines will melt, computers will stop, lights will go out. The idea is to isolate Saddam's command-and-control centre from his army and from the Iraqi people. The Americans then intend to use psy-ops to persuade the Iraqi people and army to surrender immediately, not to fight. There will be an appeal directly to them from the Americans. The army will be told no-one wants to kill them, because a professional army will be needed to keep law and order in the new Iraq. They will be asked to lay down their arms, with a guarantee of good treatment.

i find this very difficult to believe..., we are going to invade Iraq and have no loss of life? Bombs that don't kill? The people will just surrender? the army will? mmmm.. maybe we think these people have no brains.....

or the people telling us this think we have no brains....

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