> Then again you have to believe the Congressional Record is the true
> recordation of what U.S. representatives have done.

Maybe I'm headed for joining the local militia or something, but I 
don't trust much of anything that comes from our government, regardless 
of who's running the show.  As far as I'm concerned, the Congressional 
Record can be manipulated as much as the "Holy Bible" has been.

> As I explained already, I was just laughing at Sarah labeling a
> couple of her links as "opinion". Nothing more - no hidden agenda.

Fair enough.  I understand and accept that, Kakki.

> We apparently have a lot of enemies out there right now.

We always have.  Always.

> I'm on the side of the defense in this one.

As am I.  DEFENSE.  I'm not, however, on the side of engaging in 
offense, which is what we're about to do.  You want to defend?  
Reappropriate military spending for better radar/satellite observation, 
better intelligence (although I would say trim those agencies down to 
only the truly intelligent individuals), and have 
aircraft/missiles/whatever READY to go WHEN we are attacked.  We can't 
go running all over the globe bombing everyone who MIGHT have some shit 
hidden beneath their land.

We're fixin' to stir up a mighty big hornet's nest ...



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