Message one: I was thinking of an act that spells out what
rights children can expect, and ways for the children to
enforce them via some local guardian or commissioner figure
- for example, the right to a decent education, although
how we'd define that I don't know, but you get my drift.

Message two: Army commanders are saying we will see a new
type of
warfare, and that the last Gulf War was the last of the
old-fashioned type of war. As I see it, they are hoping it
will be as high-tech and as bloodless as possible - a war
against infrastructure, rather than against people.  If
that is the case - and I accept it's an IF - the outcome
should be very good: a new regime for Iraq with minimal
(and possibly no) loss of life apart from Saddam's inner

If anyone thinks war can be made bloodless, there is a rich
fantasy world being lived in.

How about the right of Iraqi children not to be the ones
experiemented on by the new lies of modern warfare -

I dreamed that I saw the bombers flying shotgun in the
skies turning into butterflies - not pinball warfare which
we can pretend bombing is not killing and technology -
which always works so perfectly as we know - can kill only
the "right" people - oh, and our good bombs will always
fall on infrastructure, not on people -

unbelievable and people think Christians have faith in
 silly things - just fucking unbelievable 

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