--- hell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Ron wrote:
> > now whoda thunk canadians even knew cricket
> existed - let alone qualified
> > for the world cup - yes america - take note- other
> nations, lots of them,
> in
> > fact only one team from each country -  take part
> in *this* world
> > series..:-)

Cricket. Now there's a sport we don't see too often in
this country. It is very popular among people from
other "colonies" of the Empiah. When my son was at
soccer practice a few summers ago, we would see kids
playing cricket - they were all Indian or Pakistani, I
would guess and I know people who came from India who
were very fond of the game.

> Hell - with apologies to the non-cricketing folk out
> there (but then I don't
> have a penis, circumcised or otherwise, so what the
> hell!)

The penis thread is wearing a bit thin. Anything is a
welcome change (except for maybe WAR (what is it good
for? y-absolutely NUTHIN'!)


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