
 --- "Jim L'Hommedieu (Lama)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote: > Excuse me?  Did I just hear a full-blooded
> admit that there might
> be some cultural benefits to being a neighbor of the
> USA?

    >>>>    catherine replied
    >>>>The main benefit is: we're over here and you're over there.

and your cricket team is here. and they won their first match!!!!
congratulations (mumble mumble we lost ours boo hoo)

now whoda thunk canadians even knew cricket existed - let alone qualified
for the world cup - yes america - take note- other nations, lots of them, in
fact only one team from each country -  take part in *this* world

is this advantage of one foot in the usa and one foot in the uk and the
dangling in the ocean to be circumcised by a passing barracuda????

or is it the little man in the canoe???  (its a common expression here


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