I have always been against war.. I have always been against any war.

I am and always will be against abusers, tyrants, bullies.

My main objection to this coming war is my fear that it will make matters worse for us all. So although I would like to say that my main fear is for the people of Iraq and the innocnets who will be killed, I would be dishonest to say that. My main fear is for me and my loved ones.

The peopl of Iraq are living with terror everyday. Many of theirs are being killed all the time. No war and the killing and terror will continue. It might not stop even after the war. It now seems to me, there is not an alternative. As Saddam and his crowd cannot be gotten rid of thru assination, what is left? As the people of Iraq are not able to rise and depose him themselves, what else can be done?

I have listened to a young woman today who is UK raised by Iraqi refugees. She is pro war. I understood why she was and came to the miserable conclusion she was right. Many are dying already. She is fully aware that her loved ones, friends and relations might be killed in this war. She also knows they all live in fear of being killed anyway by Saddam.

I used to live in area which was controlled by thugs. People were terrorised. There was a conspiracy of silence, no 'grassing' to the poilce. No nothing. No one stood up. We did and we left the area because we had to for our own saftey. That area will stay like this because the people have not the will to change it. They don't want to 'rock the boat' and make things worse. Fear keeps them in their place.

Many people know that abuse goes on in families and they trun a blind eye to it.They are afraid of the repercussions. Hence children die or ar scarred for life.

I just realised I was being a hypocrite, I wanted nothing to be done because of my own fear. That shames me. I have always stood and been counted and exhorted others to do so when it comes to children. Now when the chips are down, i do not keep my money where my mouth is.

I HATE the idea of this war. I HATE war.I HATE suffering. I HATE to see others suffering while the rest of us do nothing.

This is a sad time and frought with danger. And I think we are going to have to do what needs to be done.

I am well aware that is not the reason, probably, that Bush and Blair want this war. I doubt very much they give two hoots about the Iraqi people. However, this is chance for those people to be free and lets pray they do not allow themselves to be subjucated like this again. and I also pray that we in the west stop interfering in the ME, which is the cause of all this in first place.

Even tho i have changed my mind, would I go and fight? No. i am a coward. I'd freak at the very idea. I wouldn't even get there before I was a wreck.


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