Randy, just two points about the previous inspection team and AIDS spending. I believe Saddam accused two of the inspectors of being American and Israeli spies and said he wouldn't cooperate with them, so the team was withdrawn. This came after they started digging for bodies of political prisoners that Saddam is believed to have used in chemical weapons experiments. And the inspections weren't working. Everything was hidden from them, as now, until a high level Iraqi defector with knowledge of Saddam's weapons started giving America information, which was passed to the inspectors, and from that point on, they had some success -- which was when Saddam accused them of spying and withdrew his cooperation. Regarding Bush and AIDS, I thought he just announced another $500 billion? I know it's been criticized because it isn't going to companies who make generic versions of the medications, but at least he's not blocking expenditure.


At 3:52 PM -0800 02/17/2003, Randy Remote wrote:
6) Bush the humanitarian has blocked increased spending on
AIDS internationally.  8,000 people die of AIDS each day.
Perhaps some of that $200 billion could be put to a better use.
7) The inspections are working. They were working before.
Former inspector Scott Ritter talks about how they were making
excellent progress tracking down Iraqi weapons. Then the US
withdrew the inspectors. Why?

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