It is with great with regret that i have made the desion to put my dog, Kevin, to sleep. His behaviour is becoming more and more erratic and dangerous. This morning he nearly killed on of my girls, Martha, fo no obvious reason. Besides, he shouldn't do it anyway and it is most unusaul for a male to attack a female like this anyway. He cannot be trusted with children and he must be kept on a short tight lead when out because he lunges at people and dogs.
Upon consultation with my vet and a behaviourist, I have come to the conclusion that he must be put to sleep, i mean killed. Awful and I so wish there was another way. But there isn't. He can live a very restricted lfe, spending most of his time in a cage. Or i can pass the problem on to somoene esle.Niether of these is a good or honorouble alternative.



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