Well folks, try as I might - and I REALLY wanted this - the 90% mental 
did not beat the 10% physical ... or perhaps it was 5% physical, as it 
was just my right knee that gave up.  I felt some annoying but slight 
pain at 10 miles or so, and it was a little worse at 17 miles.  By the 
19th mile, my knee simply would not bend to run.  I walked on to Mile 
20, then tearfully called it quits.

I'm disappointed that I didn't make it to the Finish line to hear the 
crowd yell "BILLY!" as I had my brother's name on my singlet, but that 
disappointment will fuel my determination to do this again.

(I'm also disappointed because there was our girl Donna "Tush" Binkley, 
scanning the incoming participants for me ... I walked up behind her 
instead, and we had a very nice couple of hours at the Acme Oyster Bar 
with her friends from Mobile.)

Next time I'll be more diligent in my training (I'd slacked off at 
times, and more than I should have), and I'll do more cross training so 
my knees will be stronger, and I'll be "lighter" on my feet (30 pounds 
less would be a good thing).

Once more, thanks to all of you who helped me get here to try my best, 
and to raise money to help those living with HIV and AIDS - that's 
really the most important part of this entire effort.

Writing from a cyber cafe on Toulouse St in the Quarter ... with love 
to all of you,

cant wait to hear all about the run... i want details!!!! :-))))))))

Im so excited, it's as if Im running too..oh yea, I am , I said I would
didnt I?

so proud of you Loori Running Cloud

you rock!!!!!!!!!

love, Moogs



You open my heart, you do.
Yes you do.
- JM
Yahoo! Shopping - Send Flowers for Valentine's Day

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