And you neveer called me and I was trying to get you guys all weekend. I
hope you had a good time and I am sorry you had problems, but am happy you
tried and hope I get to see you tomorrow b4 you go.


> Well folks, try as I might - and I REALLY wanted this - the 90% mental
> did not beat the 10% physical ... or perhaps it was 5% physical, as it
> was just my right knee that gave up.  I felt some annoying but slight
> pain at 10 miles or so, and it was a little worse at 17 miles.  By the
> 19th mile, my knee simply would not bend to run.  I walked on to Mile
> 20, then tearfully called it quits.
> I'm disappointed that I didn't make it to the Finish line to hear the
> crowd yell "BILLY!" as I had my brother's name on my singlet, but that
> disappointment will fuel my determination to do this again.
> (I'm also disappointed because there was our girl Donna "Tush" Binkley,
> scanning the incoming participants for me ... I walked up behind her
> instead, and we had a very nice couple of hours at the Acme Oyster Bar
> with her friends from Mobile.)
> Next time I'll be more diligent in my training (I'd slacked off at
> times, and more than I should have), and I'll do more cross training so
> my knees will be stronger, and I'll be "lighter" on my feet (30 pounds
> less would be a good thing).
> Once more, thanks to all of you who helped me get here to try my best,
> and to raise money to help those living with HIV and AIDS - that's
> really the most important part of this entire effort.
> Writing from a cyber cafe on Toulouse St in the Quarter ... with love
> to all of you,
> Lori
> cant wait to hear all about the run... i want details!!!! :-))))))))
> Im so excited, it's as if Im running too..oh yea, I am , I said I would
> didnt I?
> so proud of you Loori Running Cloud
> you rock!!!!!!!!!
> love, Moogs
> You open my heart, you do.
> Yes you do.
> - JM
> Yahoo! Shopping - Send Flowers for Valentine's Day

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