--- Heather asked:
> ________________________________
> We have 7" of snow here in southern CT and this blizzard is far from over!
> Nothing to do but throw another log on the fire.  Maybe I'll bake a pie.
> Let's see ... what Joni CD shall I put on to cook by?  Any suggestions?

Yes Heather, 

I suggest, Blueberry or Cherry, I really don't like Apple - see how un-American I am!  
LOL! That
was a joke!

Oh you meant suggestions for Joni.
Well if you make the blueberry pie - play Blue, If you make the cherry, play something 
cheery like
Chelsea Morning!

How will you be getting a slice to me though?

Home from work & celebrating Prez Day!


NP: Diana Krall/East of the Sun
Yahoo! Shopping - Send Flowers for Valentine's Day

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