I think the reason you are being accused of saying
people are anti-American is because of the information
you post.  Both of you give specific links to and on information
you present here.  It's to hard to argue against the information
so instead people choose to argue against you.  It takes the
focus off the links, and information you provide. I have found
myself bogged down by the amount of information presented
here, and am still trying to keep up with all the links.  Sometimes
I have to go back and read them a second time to keep them
straight. I think it was Patrick that said 43 people feel that Kakki
has called them anti-American, I've only seen 5 post to this effect,
however he did include privet post, so out of 800 that's 5% of the
listers.  I think most understand where you are coming from.
Kasey    Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

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