Been watching the discussion on war (actually it's more a debate, than a discussion) 
from the sidelines these days, but I wanted to comment on this. I realize, Kasey, your 
note was for Kakki and Sarah, but since you posted to the list, I'll chime in and say 
I think it is unlikely that people make "personal" arguments because it is hard for 
them to make arguments against the links to articles that people provide.  For every 
article/opinion piece that non joni-onlies read supporting the war on Iraq, there is 
another out there presenting equally compelling information against it.  Now granted 
not everyone has the time or inclination to post links to articles they found 
informative or compelling, but I don't think this is the reason someone would accuse 
Kakki of calling people anti-american.  Give people some credit.
Some people have an emotional response to having their views challenged. Some people 
are having emotional responses to the war outside of JMDL and so when they read a note 
from someone presenting an opposing view they bring to the table all those other 
feelings and crap they've been bombarded with outside the list and could interpret 
things in a way that was not intended by the writer.   
Jenny (Enjoying the first "snow day" she's had in years)
 kasey simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Kakki/Sarah,
I think the reason you are being accused of saying
people are anti-American is because of the information
you post. Both of you give specific links to and on information
you present here. It's to hard to argue against the information
so instead people choose to argue against you. It takes the
focus off the links, and information you provide. I have found
myself bogged down by the amount of information presented
here, and am still trying to keep up with all the links. Sometimes
I have to go back and read them a second time to keep them
straight. I think it was Patrick that said 43 people feel that Kakki
has called them anti-American, I've only seen 5 post to this effect,
however he did include privet post, so out of 800 that's 5% of the
listers. I think most understand where you are coming from.
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