Can I tell you what a pure moment of coincidence - syncronicity I just had reading 
this post? 
Well I am going to anyway! As I am home early, I turned on the music.  My latest CD 
3-some, has
been Blue (surprise) Norah Jones (surprise) and LOTC. AS I opened this email and read 
response to his own post, word for word Califonia was playing, it was as if Joni was 
over my
shoulder reading it for me!  It was spooky!  Guess you had to be here.

I want to mention, that I have been playing Blue like mad lately.  It's always been my 
favorite, I
could never hear it again and it would be my favorite.  But the beautiful thing about 
Joni is,
because of her body of work, you can go away and come back many times - and fall in 
love all over
again. So while I sit here dumped, huh wonder if that's why I returned to Blue ;-P, 
Once again, I
am falling in love all over again.  Damn she still has my Jonifest CD! Gotta go!


NP: Joni/Blue/Last Time I Saw Richard 

--- Mark or Travis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Joni again on war and peace and the dream:
> > "Sitting in a park in Paris, France
> > Reading the news and it's all bad
> > They won't give peace a chance
> > That was just a dream some of us had."
> And later in the same song:
> All the news of home you read
> More about the war and the bloody changes
> Mark E Somewhere in Washington State
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