> i chickened out, a little freaked out by projected unruly festival-
> style crowds

Oh Patrick ... as I'm sure you learned soon afterwards, the crowd was 
very tame, at least on the day Joni performed.

> and the experience was so good for so many friends, i've kicked
> myself a bit.

I kicked myself more than a bit, but for a different reason:  I was 
there very early in the morning to meet up with JMDLers and see if I 
could find Brian G, as I had a ticket for him (which he eventually did 
get; cool story, that).  I had a parking space in one of the first rows 
in the parking field, and of course the JMDLers were going to end up as 
close to the stage as a person could get.  But (former) codependent 
(god I hate that word but it's true) that I was, I left to go back to 
our B&B to wake my drunken friends, and by the time we finally got back 
to Woodstock, the crowd seemed as if it was half a million strong ...

So rather than be in front with the JMDLers, I ended up a ways back and 
off to one side with said friends.  Still ...

> listening to that version of 'summertime', the fourth song i think.
> jaw dropped.

As did mine.  I was stunned and elated, and I thought:  "Joni has 
become quite the jazz singer!!"  It was a remarkable performance, and 
yes, Joni was in splendid voice that day.

And wasn't Kilauren there, behind the stage?  I seem to remember it was 
the first time she'd seen Joni perform in concert.  (Was Kilauren's son 
Marlin there, too?)

I was thrilled to receive the cassette of the show soon afterwards 
(thanks again, simon!), and have listened to it many times.  Brings 
back wonderful memories of standing there, tears rolling down my 
face ...


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