Catherine McKay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

<<<Are Americans allowed to have dual citizenship? or are
you supposed to forsake all others when you Yankify?
Just wondering - some countries don't allow it and in
a way, it makes sense - how can you be a "citizen" of
more than one country?>>>


Yes Virginia, there really is a Santa Claus...oops wrong story! 

yes Catherine, you really can be a dual citizen. Im not sure under what circumstances. 
I have a friend who resides in Canada, as a canadian and an american citizen. Some of 
us are planning the permanent resident/green card route, while maintaining Canadian 
citizenship. :-)

and Im still not sure what Joni's status is. I dont know why that shocked me so.

Mags...looking for signs of oh canada!!! oh yea, my shirt :-) thanks Roberto!!


You open my heart, you do. 
Yes you do.
     - JM
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