I was wondering, too.  When I ran into her year and a half ago and we were
discussing 9/11 she said "I'm an American, too!"  I wondered if that meant
she had dual citizenship or just that she'd been living here so long that
she considered herself one regardless.  I have a number of friends who have
dual citizenship with the UK, Canada and Peru.  One friend was born to Irish
parents in Germany during WWII, but her father was born in NY to Irish
citizens.  No one has ever quite figured out if she had maybe triple

Funny about her listening to talk radio!  I've been meaning to mention (and
I think this is innonuous PC) that there is some talk radio show here in LA
(don't recall the station) that has a nightly show on issues concerning just
Calfornia.  They open every show with playing a few verses of Joni's song


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