Welcome Emiliano!

Oh, yes, the world situation is grave. At some point some political
discussions will probably pop up here again. For now, it's pleasant I
think to take a break from it (on the list, not possible in reality).

The show about Joni does sound great! The recent posts are the first
time I've seen any details about it. There may be a way to purchase the
show, or if not, maybe copies will be shared. Stay tuned to the list for
the most up-to-date info...

Mingus was a "challenge" for me, too. It wasn't the jazz that put me off
or that Joni was trying something different, since her experimenting is
one of the things I most respect about her. To my hearing, her precise,
folk-type voice didn't fit the music. Her voice didn't seem loose or
rich enough, so it all sounded rather jarring to me then. I may need to
do a re-listen or two for my Joni homework. There are plenty of people
on the list who love it.

Since you jumped back onto the metaphorical train at Turbulent Indigo,
you may have missed Night Ride Home, which came out in 1991. That cd got
me enthused about Joni again, after not enjoying her 1980s fuzzy
sounding cds very much. NRH is clear sounding and romantic, and as she
says, it's a happy cd, with lots of c major chords. If you've missed
that one, it may be a pleasant Joni discovery for you.

I'm in complete agreement with you on your "Great and Sacred
masterpieces." They are masterpieces indeed, along with a few others
(most of what she's done I think), and most people here would agree with
you, too, so you're in "understanding" company.

Again, welcome to the list and thank you for your introduction. It
appears from your NP that you could introduce people here to some new
music. Right away, I'm intrigued by the title "Miss perfumado"... 

all the best,

Debra Shea

Emiliano Patiqo wrote:
> Wow!  I feel happay for you, genuine north-americans for being able to enjoy
> what it seems a very pleasant show!
> Here in my country, Espaqa, Joni never appears on Tv, although her records
> come at stores in time.... for the pleasure of "the happy few"
> I just joined the list two weeks ago: it's great reading about people's
> experiences relating Great Joni. It's been a "little" discussion too about the
> political NJC posts: I must agree that sure the www is full of forums with
> political, social and actuality caring aim, but, excuse me if I get rude, but
> the situation is so severe, so grave that is normal that many people wants to
> discuss it with the people one cares about, as the JMDLers!
> by the way: I've stopped hearing new Joni's music at the release of Mingus (at
> my 19 years it was really hard): Never stopped hearing Ladies of the Canyon,
> Blue, Hejira, Don Juan's Reckless Daughter (let me write in capitals those
> Great and Sacred masterpieces). At Turbulent Indigo felt at ease once more:
> She's now and ever the greatest american singer (and that's saying a lot!)
> My kind regards to you all, and !Boas noites!: Emiliano
> NP: Cesaria Ivora: "Miss perfumado"

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