Oh Debs yes ...........I have spotted one at 50 paces and she and I are best
buddies.... Helen joined Barnardos at the same time and we were on the same
region. She, like me had an unusul ear piercing, wore the same colours,
laughed at the same things, ended up raising eyebrows at the same time and
generally getting on like a house on fire. At the end of the day we walked out
to our cars (we had parked next to each other unknowingly)  and stood talking.
I opened my car door and turned on the engine and my tape deck lept in to life
with C&S blaring out.... Her jaw dropped and she said "hang on... you won't
belive this" she also fired up her engine and C&S blared out too....... How
weird was that? She has left BArnardo's but we are in regular contact.

Joni people are just soooo nice arn't they....... unless I now find myself
de-listed for the admitting I don't (musically) "get" most of Hejira.....


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