Sorry Azeem? , who are you?...did I once know you? Am I now to wonder
through lands of waste and want after having laid open my black and
soul-less heart about not getting Hejira....(musically anyway)

Azeem? who he? wrote....

"Ah, it's been nice knowing you Lucy - and it's a shame, as it's not your
fault nobody told you about the "Zero Tolerance For Any Who Gainsay The
Mystery and Magic Of Hejira" rule... [sorry about the language, I've been
watching Fellowship of the Ring]

Still, you'll have your memories of what a nice place the list was, eh??"

Oh such memories.... or was it all some dream? Joni who? never heard of
her............ but then "I am on a lonely road and I am travelling" after

Lucy..that one from England who once loved you all so well........

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