Well, you have to admit that what's happening now in
mainstream music is pretty horrendous. I'd take disco
over this generic mumbo-jumbo any day of the week. At
least you can dance to disco, get all hot and sweaty
in a big afro wig and tight bell-bottoms. Disco is
fun! Britney and Whitney and any number of other
'artists' whose names end in "itney" take themselves
far too seriously. Hearing Brit say that she sees a
lot of growth in her last album was gut-bustingly
hilarious. Growth? Tumorous, maybe. Her popularity
certainly spread like cancer. I've never tried dancing
to "Hit Me Baby" and I never will.

I enjoy the odd ABBA song. I enjoy some Donna, some
Saturday Night Fever, some Gloria. I think that's
mainly because disco is played with some form of
intention behind it. Today's hit music is more or less
just there to fill up air time.

Even during the disco era there were songs to
counterbalance its fluff - Joni was at the height of
her career during the peak of disco. Now pop is so
homogenous and bland that I swear it leaves my mind on
permanent defrost. You have to dig pretty deep these
days to find a relevant and interesting artist since
mainstream culture celebrates a formula. And it's not
one I'm all that eager to swallow.

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