Yeah, he's good at being "anti".  Where was his anger when the Kurds were
getting gassed?  Not a peep.  Oh, yeah, he was lecturing GM about bringing
jobs back to Flint, Michigan.  Because, like, he grew up there, so nothing
should ever change, and, like, GM owes everyone a job for, like, life, okay?
Because, like, that's the way it was during his grandfather's day, okay?  If
we just return to the old ways, everything would be jake again.

To me, he's simplistic, bordering on infantile.  He has no solutions.  He
doesn't even debate.  He's a whiner with a budget.

PS, I kind torn here.  Last week I was replying to people off list but I'm
kinda intimidated, Debra.  Should I keep this stuff on-list or can I take it
off-list if I promise to act like a gentleman?

np: the lead out groove of Side 1 of the "The Trinity Session" LP.  There
are about 3 people on this list who fully appreciate what awaits me on Side
2.  How to describe it?  It's as overwhelming as the raspberry truffle at
the Godiva counter at the mall, but longer lasting.

DSK said,
>>>>And Michael Moore won for his documentary and gave a speech so anti-war
there was booing. You, go, guy!!! I was impressed.>>>>

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