--- "Lama, Jim L'Hommedieu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yeah, he's good at being "anti".  Where was his
> anger when the Kurds were getting gassed?  Not a
>peep.  Oh, yeah, he was lecturing GM about bringing
> jobs back to Flint, Michigan.  Because, like, he
grew up there, so nothing should ever change, and,
like, GM owes everyone a job for, like, life, okay?
Because, like, that's the way it was during his
grandfather's day, okay? 

Goodness Lama, now *this* is simplistic.  Michael's
rage at GM was not based on some sort of
sentimentality for the good ol' days.  Flint was
decimated - thousands and thousands of people lost
their jobs and got in line to get government surplus
bread and cheese, houses were boarded up, whole
neighborhoods evaporated, all the while GM was posting
record profits, moving plants to Mexico and Asia and
executive salaries were going up and up and up.  

Of course you could argue GM doesn't owe anybody
anything, but these folks grew up thinking they would
be taken care of by the company.  That's what they
were promised. 

That said, I agree, Michael's tactics are sometimes
purposefully outrageous and galvanizing and
attention-seeking, and I was disappointed in his Oscar
rant.  At the end of the day though, he draws
attention to areas of corruption in our system that
may not have seen the light of day otherwise.  

 Are we still friends?  ;) Jenny
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